BardDad Wisdom #26: Nobody Likes a Soggy Relationship.

Watering Relationships

BardDad Wisdom: The Art of Watering Your Relationships

Hey there, sprout!

Now, pull up a chair, and let’s talk about one of life’s most delicate arts: relationship gardening. I’ve always believed, son, that relationships are a lot like plants. You’ve got to water them with love, care, and attention. But here’s the kicker – you can become annoying, and nobody appreciates being drowned in affection. Try overwatering a plant for a month and see what happens.

Water Your Relationships With Love…

So what does it mean to water a relationship? Every “Good morning” text, every shared laugh, and every supportive shoulder you offer is like a drop of water to a thirsty relationship plant. You’re nurturing growth, encouraging blooms of trust and companionship. But remember, it’s about the quality, not the quantity. Every girl I know has had a relationship where their boyfriend text them every 10 minutes, saturating them with attention, and often, creeping them out. That’s not the type of relationship you want to form in this world. A relationship is a give-and-take, and if you’re not feeling that they’re enjoying the attention, it’s OK to give them a day or two.

Remember, Nobody Likes a Oversaturated Friendship.

Now, here’s where the watering can gets tricky. Too much of anything, even love, can lead to root rot in the garden of friendship. You’ve got to gauge when your plant – I mean, your pal – has had enough.

  • The Overwatering Signs:
    • If your buddy starts looking more suffocated than satisfied, back off the love hose.
    • When your calls or texts start getting the ‘seen’ treatment without replies, it might be time to let the soil dry out a bit.
  • Finding the Balance:
    • Listen More, Pour Less: Sometimes, relationships need you to be more of a listener than a talker. It’s like checking the soil; see if it’s dry before you water.
    • Sunlight is Key: Just as plants require sunlight, relationships require space. Let them breathe, grow on their own terms, and soak up some ‘sun’ away from your shadow.
  • When to Water:
    • Celebrate the Rainy Days: Be there when it’s pouring down, but don’t create a flood. Offer your umbrella, not a lifeboat.
    • Enjoy the Sunny Days: When things are good, enjoy them together, but don’t force the growth with too much artificial sunshine.

So, my son, as you navigate through the jungle of human connections, carry this wisdom like your trusty watering can. Water generously with love, humor, and kindness, but always keep an eye out for the telltale signs of overwatering. Relationships, like plants, thrive in well-balanced environments where they can grow at their own pace, under the gentle care of someone who knows when to pour and when to pause.

And remember, if you ever find yourself in a pickle, just ask yourself, “what would dad do?”

Keep it light, keep it right, and most importantly, keep relationships growing, son.

With all the love, a dad can waterlog into words,

Kevin B. Leigh— BardDad

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Kevin B. Leigh Director
Just a little boy from Ireland, who became a staunch American while raising three boys, creating three companies, and being married for 30 years
Just a little boy from Ireland, who became a staunch American while raising three boys, creating three companies, and being married for 30 years