Bard Dad: Wisdom 3: Always Ask

Girl in carton, asking her dad for the car keys

Always ask – the worst they can say is no, or ask you to solve a riddle first. In either case, you’ve got a 50% chance of feeling like you’re in a fantasy novel!

-Kevin B. Leigh

The Riddle of Rejection: A Jester’s Take on Always Asking”

“Always ask. The worst they can say is no,” says an old adage. It’s solid advice, practical and straightforward. But here at The Bard Dad, we believe in making solid advice into spectacular advice. So let’s add a twist: “…or ask you to solve a riddle first.”

Picture the scene. You muster up the courage, you pop the question, and instead of a simple ‘no’, you’re met with, “What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?” Suddenly, you’re transported from the realm of reality to a world of wizards and mythical creatures. The Sphinx’s riddle in ‘Oedipus Rex’? Really, Susan from Accounting?

Now, you might think this is an unlikely scenario. But that’s precisely where the charm lies. It’s about embracing the unexpected, seeking the humor in everyday interactions, and not taking life too seriously. After all, isn’t it a bit more fun to imagine Susan as a Sphinx guarding the office supply closet?

This tweaked adage serves as a reminder that rejection isn’t the end of the world – it can even be the beginning of an adventure. In the world of small business, and indeed life, it’s essential to have the courage to ask, to propose new ideas, and to take risks.

And if you face a ‘no’, or even a riddle, don’t be disheartened. Take it in stride. Chuckle. Move on. After all, every ‘no’ is one step closer to a ‘yes’. And every riddle brings you one step closer to feeling like a hero in a fantasy novel. So, here’s to asking, to adventure, and to finding humor in the most unexpected places.

So, folks, gear up and get ready to slay some metaphorical dragons. Who knows? You might just end up on a quest for the Holy Grail of Success. Remember, in this epic tale of life, always ask – and be ready for anything. Especially riddles.

Just a little boy from Ireland, who became a staunch American while raising three boys, creating three companies, and being married for 30 years