Bard Dad Wisdom #7: Ear Wigging.

Earwigging Girls

Dad once told me, ‘Ear wigging… Son, you never hear good of yourself,’ kind of like saying ‘What others think of you is none of your business.’ So, folks, let’s tune out the gossip radio and crank up the self-love station. Let them think while we thrive!

The Bard Dad

Tuning Out the Gossip Radio: A Lesson in Self-Love

Hello, my wonderful readers! Today, I want to share a piece of wisdom that my dad passed onto me, something that always seemed to echo in my mind whenever I found myself caught up in the dizzying world of hearsay and opinions. It’s a simple phrase, yet profoundly powerful: “You never hear good of yourself.” It’s a bit like saying, “What others think of you is none of your business.” But what does this really mean? Allow me to spin this yarn with a pinch of #BardDadWisdom.

Think of life as an old-fashioned radio, filled with an array of stations. There’s the ‘Self-love Station,’ broadcasting uplifting melodies and soothing affirmations. Then there’s the ‘Gossip Radio,’ an endless talk show of whispers, rumors, and opinions, and most of them about you.

Now, tuning into ‘Gossip Radio’ is a tempting choice. After all, who doesn’t want to know what others are saying about them? But here’s the twist: you never really hear anything good about yourself. It’s not that you’re not doing anything praiseworthy, it’s just that gossip, by its very nature, leans more towards the scandalous and less towards the commendable.

On the other hand, the ‘Self-love Station’ might not always be the most exciting, but it’s consistently positive and empowering. It keeps reminding you of your worth, your achievements, and your potential. It’s the station that plays your favorite song just when you need to hear it.

So, if you find yourself instinctively turning the dial towards ‘Gossip Radio,’ remember my dad’s words. You never hear good of yourself from others’ mouths. Not because you’re not good, but because good news rarely makes it to the grapevine.

But guess what? You don’t need to rely on others’ opinions to know your worth. You have the power to acknowledge your strengths, celebrate your achievements, and embrace your imperfections. The real validation comes from within, from tuning into your ‘Self-love Station.’

Remember, my friends, what others think of you truly is none of your business. Your business is to be the best version of you. So, let them tune into whatever station they want. As for us, we’re going to crank up the volume on self-love and dance to our beat. ???????? #BardDadWisdom

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Kevin B. Leigh Director
Just a little boy from Ireland, who became a staunch American while raising three boys, creating three companies, and being married for 30 years
Just a little boy from Ireland, who became a staunch American while raising three boys, creating three companies, and being married for 30 years