The Story of Egg Jokes and Why You Need Them.

Once upon a time in the whimsical land of Eggville, there was an egg named Egbert who had a secret talent – he loved telling jokes! However, there was one problem. Every time Egbert tried to share a joke, he would burst into uncontrollable laughter and crack up.

Egbert dreamt of making all the eggs in Eggville giggle and guffaw, but he couldn’t keep a straight face long enough to deliver the punchlines. His friends, Sunny and Shellie, encouraged him not to give up and suggested seeking help from the Wise Old Owl.

With hope in his heart, Egbert wobbled his way to the tallest tree in Eggville, where the Wise Old Owl resided. Perched on a branch, the owl listened to Egbert’s predicament, nodding sagely.

“Ah, young Egbert, your desire to bring laughter to Eggville is commendable,” said the Wise Old Owl, his eyes twinkling. “But fear not, for I have a solution!”

The owl led Egbert to a secret nest filled with feathers, glitter, and bits of humor hidden in every corner. It was the Comedy Nest, a place where jokes were perfected before they were shared.

Under the Wise Old Owl’s guidance, Egbert practiced his jokes day and night. He learned the art of maintaining a straight face and mastered the timing of delivering punchlines without cracking up. Egbert was determined to bring joy to his fellow eggs without turning into a scrambled mess!

One sunny morning, Egbert stood in front of the whole Eggville community, ready to share his jokes. The anticipation filled the air as eggs of all shapes and sizes gathered, waiting for the giggles to begin.

With newfound confidence, Egbert began his routine. He delivered joke after joke, resisting the urge to crack up. The eggs listened intently, their smiles growing wider with each punchline.

And then, it happened. The laughter erupted from the crowd. Eggville echoed with joyful chuckles and hearty egg laughs. Egbert had done it! He had made the eggs crack up without cracking himself!

From that day forward, Egbert became Eggville’s official Jokester Extraordinaire. His jokes traveled from eggshell to eggshell, spreading laughter and smiles throughout the land. Egbert proved that even if eggs couldn’t help but crack up, they could still bring happiness to all.

And so, with a pocketful of jokes and a heart full of laughter, Egbert continued his quest to make the world a happier place, one yolk-filled joke at a time.

The end… or should we say, the eggcellent beginning of endless laughter! ????????????

Bard Dad Joke 6: Why don’t eggs tell jokes? Because they might crack up!

The Bard Dad
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Kevin B. Leigh Director
Just a little boy from Ireland, who became a staunch American while raising three boys, creating three companies, and being married for 30 years
Just a little boy from Ireland, who became a staunch American while raising three boys, creating three companies, and being married for 30 years